
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why I'm Starting a Blog

Hello (enter your name here),
I'm prepared to start a blog of all of my inner most thoughts and desires. Things I love and things I hate. The advice I wish to share with future generations to come. The mistakes I made, that I strongly encourage. My adventures and my downfalls. Everything that is sacred to me, it's all going here. So, if you're reading this thinking "hey, you know this girl is really on to something.." then I strongly suggest you listen to this song.

Airstream Song- Miranda Lambert

Sometimes I wish I lived in an Airstream
Homemade curtains, lived just like a gypsy
Break a heart, roll out of town
‘Cause gypsies never get tied down

Sometimes I wish I lived on a mountain
Drank from a stream instead of a fountain
I’d stay there, top of the world
But I was born a red dirt girl

Unbridled or tethered and tied
The safety of the fence or the danger of the ride
I’ll always be unsatisfied

Sometimes I wish I lived by a pier
In a lighthouse with a chandelier
I’d watch everybody’s ships come in
And then I’d sail away with them

Unanchored in the storm
Or safely on the shore
If this is all I need, why do I want more

Sometimes I wish I lived in an airstream
Homemade curtains, lived just like a gypsy

Makes you think, huh? You mean, I could have everything, and still yearn for things as simple as sailing away in a boat and going wherever I wanted? We all dream of that moment that we'll leave our job, or ditch school, in search of something better, but we don't. The brave do, as the rest of sit back and watch from a distance, wishing we were brave. Wishing we were unanchored in the storm.

xo, meaghan with an "h"

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